haiku of sorts
old men make war
scaterring diatribes
of righteousness
as lovers tangle
in worship of each other
haiku of sorts
conversation in many parts..or whose blacker than who
air on g-string while riding the bike.
love your mother
league of nations
taoism of everyday living
sunday kind of love
blogging for peace
meanwhile in other parts of the world
nowadays, i play this game. i stand under the shower, hit by gushing pellets of cascading hot water. close my eyes and stand still for as long as i can. and count for how many seconds i can stand still without feeling woozy. i'm really tired. i'm not as mchanga/young as i used to be. or maybe not that flexible..the west runs on a different time. back home, there is a saying haraka haraka haina baraka. which means, hurry hurry has no blessings. i miss the slower, let me get to know you.. hello neighbour..could i have some salt.. how is your child sort of knowing. i don't know my below neighbours. i hear them fight and cuss though. i know their noises more than i know their names. barely know my teachers. kazini is a different reality. kila mtu kivyake. the first time in one and a half years, i stood infront of the grocery store and laughed with two women. one black another white. we shared an instinctive urge to embrace each other in laughter and sharing. it was beautiful. in one and a half years. imagine that. this is something i did almost every day. engage in sharing.
i saw her today wearing a shrug of (____)
Upendo ni johari
'why im i compelled to write. because writing saves me from the complacency i fear. because i have no choice. because i must keep the spirit of my
possibility of ifyness.