three months after reading this, i'm still at awe.
women as vessels of the goddess - ~ excerpt ~
that the body of a woman can be a vessel through which the goddess comes is an unexpected revelation, a revelation that does not come through illumination, vision, or insight, which is how masculine divinity manifests, but through an embodied experience - through intimate, caring, reverent touch that is simultaneously sensual and sacred, deeply personal and transpersonal. this is a secret that is kept from women, who as a gender learn to dislike the roundness and fullness of their bodies, feel ashamed about the blood mysteries of menarche, menstruation, and menopause, want to be put to sleep when giving birth, and are horrified on awakening from dreams in which they lovingly embraced a woman.
many women who are initiated into their bodies by the goddess have explored the body of the goddess in another women, either a real woman or in vivid dreams; these experiences can deeply affirm being a woman and being in the body of a woman. they also can confuse and terrify women. another woman's body mirrors her own, boundaries between them dissolve, and a merging that encompasses the totality of both bodies and auras can occur that may recollect dim sensory memories of mother and infant merge or be the first time this archetype is experienced. the experience with another woman may allow a woman to be actively sensual person where before she had been passive or reactive in her responses. whether in dreams ( where they symbolic meaning also needs exploring) or living out, embodiment as a sexual and sensual woman results if she embraces the lover aspect of herself; the opposite occurs if she becomes terrified that she is a sinful, perverted person and must suppress her sensuality.
confusion about sexual orientation occurs; it is and it is not about sexual orientation at all. it is an invocation and integration about the sensual aspects of the demeter, perspehone, hera, or arphrodite archetype in the woman that now may become embodied and sensual. that it isn't necessarily about sexual orientation is what has been confusing, especially for women who, having been exclusively heterosexual, fall in love with a woman or with the goddess in a woman, decide they are lesbians, and then later fall in love with a man.
a deep sense of union can occur when a man and woman make love; in the physical fit, in the coming together of two sexes, a completion and wholeness can be experienced; it can also be a sacramental experience and a holy encounter. when lovemaking at a similar soul level takes place between two women, the experience is a reunion rather than a union. while opportunity and capacity to have either or both experiences is an individual matter, they are part of women's archetypal potential. this physical and mystical encounter with another through a meeting of both soul and body brings both individuals into the realm of the mystery; communion can then take place.
in fundamentally patriarchy, a woman's sexuality and ability to bear children belong exclusively to her husband and not to the woman herself. the sexual and sensual realms are feared and repressed. in the collective memory of women, we know death by stoning, as well as rape and impoverished and forced prostitution were the penalties for unsanctioned sexuality. thus terror often accompanies forbidden sexual feelings, recollecting that power of god and man was brought to bear against the goddess and the autonomy of women.