Tuesday, February 01, 2005

it's all a mata of perception

Child's Prayer

Lord in heaven,

please listen to all thosewho are praying to you now.
Those who are sad and crying,
those who have lost friends and family.
Those who are aloneand frightened.
Help them to remember,that you are there
and you are listening.
In Jesus' name, we pray.Amen.

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( courtesy bbc)

it's no surprise that even after massive reports on the continuing slater and massacare in dafur, the UN insists that there is no genocide in place. according to the un, the sudanese government has systematically abused its civilians living in dafur.

A UN report has said Sudan's government and its militia systematically abused civilians in Darfur - but it stopped short of calling the violence genocide. It said those responsible should be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague. Where genocide is found to have taken place, signatories to a UN convention are legally obliged to act to end it. The report also said rebel forces in Sudan's western region had committed serious human rights violations. {more}

so just as in the case with rwanda, when does genocide become genocide?

"I feel bitter because the international community and mankind as a whole - we see, we look and we never learn from the past in order to plan for a better future for the next generation,"{more}


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